Teach me to love the rain

Teach me to love the rain

I've always enjoyed seeing people being amazed that I loved the rain so much, it put me in a good mood.I have often heard myself say: "Ok great as long as you are at home under the duvet and the fireplace, but when you have a hectic life, no". In fact, for as long as I can remember, I've never been afraid of thunderstorms.

What is a NFT

NFT: this is how digital art is changing

Today I would like to explain to you in very poor and simple words this new frontier that is opening up in digital art or the conversion of one's works into NFT

Sunday with tv show Friends!

Sunday with Friends..Tv Show!

I'll tell you, Sunday is not my favorite day of the week. There are those who love it, those who hate it, for some it lasts too short and for others time never seems to pass. In recent years Sunday had become for me the antechamber of anxiety in anticipation of Monday, my terrible Mondays.

The importance of copyright

The importance of Copyright

Today I would like to talk to you about a topic that is particularly close to my heart. In my case, I mainly appeal to artists. Tell the truth, how many times have you wandered around the web to see your works of art had been indexed by various search engines and maybe discover that some page has used your work without giving you the right credits?